Professional Consultation and Supervision
EMDR Consultation
Angelah is an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Consultant in Training (CIT) credentialed to provide EMDR Consultation to fully licensed clinicians seeking Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA) EMDR Basic Training Consultation and EMDR Certification Consultation. Group and individual consultation is available. If you are interested, request an appointment, email at info@purplechangewellness.com or call 313-914-4085.
For more information on EMDRIA certification requirements, click on the link below:
EMDR International Association
Social Work Supervision
Angelah is credentialed to provide supervision for limited licensed master level social workers seeking supervision hours toward full state licensure. Supervision is in compliance with the Michigan Board of Social Work. Group and individual supervision is available. If you would like supervision services, please direct your inquires to info@purplechangewellness.com or call us at 313-914-4085.
For more information on the State of Michigan licensing requirements, click on the link below:
CAADC and CADC Supervision
Angelah is credentialed to provide supervision for clinicians seeking Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CAADC) designation with the Michigan Certification Board of Addiction Professionals (MCBAP). If you would like supervision services, please direct your inquires to info@purplechangewellness.com or call us at 313-914-4085.
For more information on MCBAP certification requirements, click on the link below: