When the sympathetic nervous system, the part of our nervous system that is responsible for ‘fight or flight’ stays in overdrive, it can lead to mental, physical, and behavioral complications. Anxiety, trauma, inflammation, pain, substance use, and anger to name a few can present.
The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, is responsible for ‘rest and digest’. When our bodies are operating at a constant flight or flight state, such as with anxiety or trauma, it can be incredibly challenging for the parasympathetic system to regulate our bodies to calm and peace.
With sound healing, we can bring the parasympathetic nervous system back online and strengthen its natural abilities of recovery and healing.
The vibrational sound can move through our bodies’ cells bringing up lower energy and calming heightened energy. Since there is no talking and only sound and vibration through the session, the healing experience is one of individuality and autonomy. Therefore, building self-efficacy and confidence. In a group session, the shared healing energy is an incredibly powerful way to connect with others to build relationship intelligence.
Sound healing is not covered by insurance.
Small group sound healing
(2-5 participants)
45-minutes at $45 per person
By appointment
Inquire here to schedule
Individual sound healing (1 participant)
30-minutes at $75
60-minutes at $150
90-minutes at $225
1/2-day (4 hours) sound retreat at $600
Choose the essential oil scent of the day
Assortment of teas available
Light beverages and snacks provided
Purple Change Wellness® swag provided
Add-on to EMDR intensive, health coaching, consultation services, or tailored to you topics
By appointment
Inquire here to schedule
Private group sound healing
(2-5 participants)
60-minutes at $75 per person
90-minutes at $90 per person
1/2-day (4 hours) sound retreat $300 per person
Choose among: Sound healing, group meditation, group EMDR, group health coaching, or tailored to you topics
Choose the essential oil scent of the day
Assortment of teas available
Light beverages and snacks provided
Purple Change Wellness® swag provided
The space will be occupied only by your party
By appointment
Inquire here to schedule