Institute of Trauma Recovery and Well-Being
Therapy treatment for PTSD and related diagnoses
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
CPT helps those stuck in negative thoughts about trauma. Established in 1988 by Dr. Patricia Resick, CPT is a specific form of cognitive behavioral therapy. The treatment modality helps to break the patterns of avoidance, and teaches how thoughts influence emotions and behavior. Additionally, this highly structured approach focuses on four phases: Education, understanding thoughts and feelings, learning new skills, and changing beliefs.
Traumatic situations impact thoughts about self, others, and the world. Based on previous life experiences, the thoughts can become more ingrained, developing into beliefs that slow healing. Phase one includes identifying how the trauma impacts day-to-day functioning. This is followed by phase two, which explores thoughts and beliefs about the trauma. Phase three develops the skills to challenge thinking patterns. Lastly, phase four focuses on safety, trust, power and control, esteem, and intimacy.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
EMDR helps those struggling with intrusive images, hypervigilance, nightmares, and unresolved memories. EMDR is a well researched treatment modality that originated in the 1980s by Francine Shapiro, PhD. According to the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, developed by Dr. Shapiro, our brains store and network memories.
Typically, our brains store memories effectively. Yet, when a traumatic event occurs, the brain can go offline and not allow for healthy processing. This leads the brain to believe that the event is not over. Over time, more stressful events reinforce this belief. In conclusion, EMDR guides you to help the brain store the memory in a more efficient and less problematic way. This reduces the unpleasant emotional and physical responses associated with the memory.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)
PE, developed by Dr. Edna Foa and colleagues, is a cognitive behavioral therapy approach that originated in the 1980s to help reduce avoidance through exposure. There are two types of exposure. While in a safe and supportive environment, imaginal exposure decreases the emotional response related to the memory of the event. In vivo or in real life exposure, gradually encourages exposure to people, places, or objects that cause emotional distress. Furthermore, PE involves four key components, which include assessment, education, imaginal and in vivo exposure, and processing and homework.
The first step in PE is the assessment. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the presenting issues. Next, learning about the trauma symptoms, and breathing retraining occurs. Breathing is a helpful and effective way to help the nervous system regulate the fight or flight response. After this, the imaginal and in vivo exposure begins, followed by processing the thoughts and feelings related to the exposure. Lastly, homework is assigned.